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50 cl, Monster Energy
Show all products from Monster Energy+ 1,00 kr bottle deposit
43,90 kr /L
On the eve of October 31st each year friends and family gather to celebrate “Dia de Los Muertos”. Marigolds, mysticism and memories combined with food and drink entice the souls of the departed to join the party. Mango Loco is a heavenly blend of exotic juices certain to attract even the most stubborn spirit. Crazy good taste with just enough of that Monster magic to keep the party going for days…. Unleash the Beast!
Mango Loco är en himelsk blandning av exotiska juicer tillsammans med Monster energys energimix. En uppfriskande energidryck som levererar när som helst på dagen. Mango loco har en kombination av tropiska smaker, med mango som huvudsmak tillsammans med guava och ananas.
Monster Energy Europe Limited har angett ovanstående information.
On the eve of October 31st each year friends and family gather to celebrate “Dia de Los Muertos”. Marigolds, mysticism and memories combined with food and drink entice the souls of the departed to join the party. Mango Loco is a heavenly blend of exotic juices certain to attract even the most stubborn spirit. Crazy good taste with just enough of that Monster magic to keep the party going for days…. Unleash the Beast!
valfri dag
500 milliliter
stabiliseringsmedel, grönsakskoncentrat, konserveringsmedel, surhetsreglerande, natriumcitrater, natriumbensoat, natriumalginat, kaliumcitrater, rekommenderas, sötningsmedel, passionsfrukt, kaliumsorbat, xantangummi, koffeinhalt, glukossirap, riboflavin, koncentrat, sötpotatis, fruktjuice, citronsyra, vitaminer, äppelsyra, karotener, inositol, vindruva, arabicum, färgämne, kolsyrat, sukralos, karnitin, känsliga, personer, gravida, koffein, tartrat, aprikos, apelsin, persika, ammande, kvinnor, niacin, aromer, taurin, ananas, sukros, vatten, citron, gummi, syror, druva, medel, mango, guava, äpple, morot, frukt, eller, barn, från, vit, och, som, hög.
1 kr
Monster Energy Europe Limited
203 kJ / 48 kcal
0 g
0 g
12 g
11 g
0 g
0.05 g
2000 ml, Monster Energy
33,98 kr /L
50 cl, Monster Energy
43,90 kr /L
500 ml, Monster Energy
43,90 kr /L
50 cl, Monster Energy
43,90 kr /L
50 cl, Monster Energy
43,90 kr /L
500 ml, Monster Energy
43,90 kr /L
500 ml, Monster Energy
43,90 kr /L
500 ml, Monster Energy
43,90 kr /L
500 ml, Monster Energy
43,90 kr /L
500 ml, Monster Energy
43,90 kr /L
50 cl, Monster Energy
43,90 kr /L
2000 ml, Monster Energy
33,98 kr /L
50 cl, Monster Energy
43,90 kr /L
50 cl, Monster Energy
43,90 kr /L
250 ml, Powerking
43,80 kr /L
250 ml, Powerking
43,80 kr /L
500 ml, Monster Energy
43,90 kr /L
250 ml, Powerking
43,80 kr /L