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230 g, Valsoia
Show all products from Valsoia108,48 kr /kg
Vegansk karamellpudding som är fettsnål
Swedish GreenFoodCompany AB har angett ovanstående information.
valfri dag
230 gram
sojabönor, soja.
Swedish GreenFoodCompany AB
360 kJ / 85 kcal
1.50 g
0.20 g
15 g
14 g
0.70 g
2.60 g
0.13 g
100 g, Ritter Sport
349,50 kr /kg
380 g, Frödinge
123,55 kr /kg
85 g, Veggie Peggy
446,47 kr /kg
85 g, Veggie Peggy
446,47 kr /kg
100 g, Ritter Sport
349,50 kr /kg
250 g, Nothing F!SHY
183,80 kr /kg
1000 g, Oddlygood®
32,50 kr /kg
100 g, Green Vie
299,50 kr /kg
150 g, Nurishh
299,67 kr /kg
200 g, Ewalie
199,75 kr /kg
230 g, Gullón
130,22 kr /kg
500 g, Garant
45,00 kr /kg
460 g, Martas
112,93 kr /kg
300 g, Lailas
115,00 kr /kg
250 ml, Alpro
95,80 kr /L
460 g, Semper
95,54 kr /kg
150 g, Casheury
546,33 kr /kg
250 g, Green Vie
151,80 kr /kg