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If you drop things into your cart one by one through the week, your shopping will be almost done when you're ready to place your next order.
UMAFood AB har angett ovanstående information.
valfri dag
250 milliliter
senapsfrö, sojabönor, äggula.
2100 kJ / 500 kcal
54 g
4.10 g
3.60 g
2.40 g
2.20 g
2.50 g
230 ml, Lohmanders
95,43 kr /L
120 g, Eldorado
157,92 kr /kg
240 g, Scan
153,96 kr /kg
400 g, Barilla
67,38 kr /kg
310 g, Activia
59,68 kr /kg
70 g, Butter
713,57 kr /kg
70 g, Butter
713,57 kr /kg
125 g, Korshags
559,60 kr /kg
500 g, Valio
131,90 kr /kg
259,00 kr /kg
380 g, GoGreen
60,39 kr /kg
180 g, Olof Viktors
69,95 kr
150 g, Garant
159,67 kr /kg
80 g, Carletti
149,38 kr /kg
500 g, Patak's
103,90 kr /kg
400 g, REDO
99,88 kr /kg
99,75 kr /kg
700 g, Peka
45,64 kr /kg