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200 g, Garant
129,75 kr /kg
Dagab Inköp & Logistik AB har angett ovanstående information.
valfri dag
200 gram
macadamianöt, jordnötsolja, pistaschnöt, jordnötter, cashewnöt, hasselnöt, sesamfrö, pekannöt, paranöt, gluten, mandel, valnöt, mjölk, soja.
Dagab Inköp & Logistik AB
2546 kJ / 615 kcal
51 g
7.90 g
12 g
4.70 g
8.10 g
23 g
1 g
110 g, Garant
245,00 kr /kg
200 g, Garant
124,75 kr /kg
250 g, Estrella
134,00 kr /kg
200 g, Superfruit Foods
157,00 kr
750 g, Superfruit Foods
278,67 kr /kg
270 g, Yum Kah
155,37 kr /kg
200 g, Eldorado
82,50 kr /kg
150 g, Estrella
323,33 kr /kg
350 g, Garant Eko
111,29 kr /kg
300 g, OLW
101,67 kr /kg
75 g, Garant Eko
406,67 kr /kg
100 g, Garant Eko
249,50 kr /kg
100 g, Dave & Jon's
169,50 kr /kg
500 g, Superfruit Foods
94,95 kr
750 g, Superfruit
292,00 kr
200 g, Saltå Kvarn
209,75 kr /kg
275 g, Estrella
121,82 kr /kg
250 g, Superfruit Foods
62,95 kr