Add items through the week
If you drop things into your cart one by one through the week, your shopping will be almost done when you're ready to place your next order.
Risnudlar, ca 4 portioner. Gott till asiatisk wok eller i en ljummen sallad.
Dagab Inköp & Logistik AB har angett ovanstående information.
Risnudlar, ca 4 portioner. Gott till asiatisk wok eller i en ljummen sallad.
valfri dag
250 gram
Ris, vatten.
Dagab Inköp & Logistik AB
1573 kJ / 371 kcal
1.30 g
0.60 g
81 g
0 g
2 g
7.50 g
0.07 g
400 g, Risberg
89,88 kr /kg
250 g, Spicefield
63,80 kr /kg
250 g, Risberg
107,80 kr /kg
180 g, Santa Maria
149,72 kr /kg
300 g, Spicefield
98,33 kr /kg
1 kg, Spicefield
49,95 kr /kg
100 g, Twin Dragon
135,00 kr /kg
270 g, Spicefield
109,26 kr /kg
200 g, Spicefield
147,50 kr /kg
200 g, Risberg
129,75 kr /kg
300 g, Spicefield
98,33 kr /kg
100 g, Yipin
169,50 kr /kg
250 g, Yipin
87,80 kr /kg
250 g, Risberg
227,80 kr /kg
410 g, Spicefield
45,12 kr /kg
540 g, Sun Shun Fuk
66,57 kr /kg
425 g, Spicefield
32,82 kr /kg
55 g, Mama
180,91 kr /kg