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230 g, Yipin
Show all products from Yipin151,96 kr /kg
Nordic Green Food AB har angett ovanstående information.
6 dagar
valfri dag
230 gram
soyabønner, sojabönor, hvede, soya, soja, vete.
Nordic Green Food AB
581 kJ / 139 kcal
6.60 g
1 g
3.70 g
1.90 g
16.20 g
1 g
230 g, Yipin
160,65 kr /kg
200 g, Yipin
184,75 kr /kg
230 g, Yipin
121,52 kr /kg
400 g, Yipin
89,88 kr /kg
400 g, Yipin
89,88 kr /kg
200 g, Yipin
189,75 kr /kg
400 g, Garant Eko
78,75 kr /kg
180 g, Garant Eko
88,61 kr /kg
180 g, Eldorado
88,61 kr /kg
200 g, Eldorado
74,75 kr /kg
250 ml, Yipin
159,80 kr /L
400 g, Aloba
149,88 kr /kg
320 g, Hälsans Kök
162,34 kr /kg
100 g, Yipin
169,50 kr /kg
280 g, Oumph!
178,39 kr /kg
300 g, Spicefield
98,33 kr /kg
500 g, Anamma
64,50 kr
250 g, Garant
82,00 kr /kg