Add items through the week
If you drop things into your cart one by one through the week, your shopping will be almost done when you're ready to place your next order.
3 dl | Havregryn | |
2 tbsp | Kakao | |
100 g | Smör | |
1 dl | Strösocker | |
1 dl | Riven kokos | |
1 tsp | Vaniljsocker |
En sats ger cirka 25st kokosbollar. Blanda alla ingredienserna ordentligt i en bunke. Forma bollar. Rulla bollarna i kokos. Om du vill kan du byta ut kokos mot strössel, nöthack eller pärlsocker. Ställ in i kylen.
28,67 kr /kg
237,50 kr /kg
72,95 kr
21,95 kr /kg
134,75 kr /kg
137,19 kr /kg