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465 g, Optimum Nutrition
Visa alla varor från Optimum Nutrition199,00 kr4 145,83 kr /kg
OPTIMUM NUTRITION has been trusted to provide the highest quality in post-workout recovery, pre-workout energy, and on-the-go sports nutrition products for over 30 years and in 90+ countries worldwide. We hold ourselves to the highest production standards, all so you can unlock your body’s full potential. Optimum Nutrition’s GOLD STANDARD 100% WHEYTM is the world’s best-selling whey protein. It delivers 24 g of whey protein to support muscle growth. After training, your body uses protein to help repair and rebuild muscle fibres. Each great tasting serving contains 24 g of premium whey protein to support muscle growth and 5.5 g of naturally occurring BCAAs. All with just 1.4 g of fat, 1 g of sugars, and with 1.6 g of carbs. GOLD STANDARD 100% WHEYTM is best enjoyed first thing in the morning and/or during the 30 minutes just before or immediately after training. Simply mix one rounded scoop (31 g) with 180-240 ml (6-8 oz) of water in an ON shaker.
NUTRAMINO INT. APS har angett ovanstående information.
valfri dag
48 gram
vassle, valle, mjölk, soja, myse, melk, soya, mælk.
Europeiska unionen
1565 kJ / 374 kcal
4.60 g
1.70 g
5.30 g
3.20 g
2.30 g
76 g
0.38 g
450 g, Optimum Nutrition
442,22 kr /kg
317 g, Optimum Nutrition
627,76 kr /kg
330 ml, NOCCO
57,42 kr /l
330 ml, Homie
51,36 kr /l
330 ml, Starbucks®
81,67 kr /l
40 g, ProBrands
498,75 kr /kg
330 ml, Starbucks®
81,67 kr /l
55 g, PROPUD
471,82 kr /kg
330 ml, Homie
59,09 kr /l
40 g, ProBrands
498,75 kr /kg
40 g, Powerking
323,75 kr /kg
150 g, Exotic Snacks
253,00 kr /kg
450 g, Kellogg's
104,33 kr /kg
250 ml, Gainomax
95,80 kr /l
450 g, Kellogg's
104,33 kr /kg
330 ml, Homie
59,09 kr /l
330 ml, PROPUD
72,58 kr /l
200 g, VALIO
102,50 kr /kg