Här var det tomt på varor
Fyll varukorgen under veckan, så blir det mindre jobb när det är dags att beställa.
1 klyfta | Vitlök | |
1 st | Ägg | |
3 st | Chorizo | |
2 msk | Vispgrädde | |
2 msk | Parmesanost | |
300 g | Penne | |
2 msk | Citron | |
1 tsk | Rosmarin - torkad |
Finely slice the chorizo, chilli and rosemary leaves and put into the frying pan with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and a pinch of pepper, then squash in the unpeeled garlic through a garlic crusher and move everything around until lightly golden
Beat the egg, lemon juice, yoghurt and remaining finely grated Manchego together in a bowl • Drain the pasta, reserving a cupful of the starchy cooking water • Toss the pasta into the chorizo pan, remove from the heat and mix well with the creamy sauce, loosening with a splash of cooking water, if needed, then season to taste