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Penne m salsiccasås

Penne m salsiccasås

5 minEnkelt
336,85 kr
4 portioner 64,25 kr per portion
Penne m salsiccasås

120 gParmesanost
500 gPenne
150 mlVispgrädde
5 stSalsiccia
800 gKörsbär
2 stRödlök

5 tbs chopped rosemary, 2 bay leaves and 2 small crumbled dried chillies. Fry together over a high heat, stirring to mash the sausages. Remove all but 1 tbs of the fat, and contiunes to cook for 20 minutes. Sausages to become brown and disintegrate. Add the tomatoes, stir and return to the boil. Remove from stove.

Cook the penne in lots of salted water, drain.

Stir 150ml cream into the sauce along with drained penne and half of 120g grated Pamresan. Serve with remaining Parmesan.