Här var det tomt på varor
Fyll varukorgen under veckan, så blir det mindre jobb när det är dags att beställa.
2 msk | Matolja | |
0,5 st | Thaibasilika | |
4 dl | Långkornigt Ris | |
1 st | Chilipeppar Färsk | |
3 tsk | Fisksås - Asiatisk | |
400 g | Kycklingfärs | |
2 klyfta | Vitlök |
Mince garlic and chili pepper together. Clean and pick holy basil leaves from their stems. It may appear like a lot of leaves, but the leaves will shrink when cooked and this dish's flavor comes from the leaves.
Fry the garlic and chili pepper in oil over high heat. When garlic starts to turn brown, drop the ground chicken in. Stir constantly. The juice will start to come out. Keep stirring until all the juice is gone. It might take a couple of minutes. Add fish sauce. Then add holy basil. Quickly turn it over a few times to mix the leaves with the meat and then remove from the heat and put the gai pad ga pow in the serving plate or dishes. Serve hot with rice.
29,95 kr /l
1 Thaibasilika Kruka EKO Klass1
26,95 kr /st
35,95 kr /kg
220,00 kr /kg
44,21 kr /l
112,44 kr /kg
199,09 kr /kg