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Aubergine och citrongräs curry

Aubergine och citrongräs curry

30 minEnkelt
337,45 kr
4 portioner 45,64 kr per portion
Aubergine och citrongräs curry

400 gKokosmjölk
0,5 stThaibasilika
3 tskKokosolja
1 tskSenapsfrö
15 gFärsk ingefära
2 tskTorkad gurkmeja
3 klyftaVitlök
1 tskÄppelcidervinäger
1 stAubergine
100 gCitrongräs Färsk
300 gBrysselkål Fryst
4 dlSvart Ris
2 stÄpple Övriga Sorter

Heat oil in a large pot on medium high heat. Add garlic and sauté for about a minute, then add all 6 spices, lower the heat a bit and stir constantly to ensure they do not burn. Add the aubergine wedges one by one. Make sure all wedges get soaked in the spicy oil. Then add the apple and fry everything for a few minutes. Add water and apple cider vinegar, cover with a lid and let cook for about 20 minutes or until the veggies are tender. Meanwhile, cook the black rice. Add coconut milk, brussel sprouts and salt to the curry and let simmer for about 10 minutes more. Stir in a generous handful of fresh thai basil and coriander. Serve with black rice and some salad on the side.