Här var det tomt på varor
Fyll varukorgen under veckan, så blir det mindre jobb när det är dags att beställa.
Pajdeg | ||
1 msk | Vatten | |
125 g | Smör | |
3 dl | Vetemjöl | |
Fyllning | ||
1 krm | Svartpeppar Malen | |
75 g | Riven Västerbottensost | |
1 dl | Vispgrädde | |
4 st | Ägg | |
0,5 tsk | Salt | |
3 dl | Mellanmjölk | |
400 g | Potatis Fast | |
Räk- och äppelröra | ||
0,5 st | Gräslök - färsk | |
1 krm | Salt | |
1 st | Äpple Golden Delicius | |
170 g | Räkor i Lake | |
2 msk | Citron | |
1 dl | Yoghurt för Matlagning |
Set the oven to 200 degrees. Wash and boil potatoes if you have not already cooked and let cool.
Pajdeg: Mix the flour with the butter to a grumpy mass. Add the water and work together to a smooth you. Squeeze the dough into a pie shape and rub it with a fork. Leave the pie dough in the fridge for about 20 minutes if time is available. Prepare about 10 min.
Filling: Mix eggs, cream, milk, cheese, salt and pepper into a bowl. Cut the cold cooked potatoes into 1 cm thick slices. Spread the potatoes evenly over the pie bottom and pour over the egg stew. Insert the oven for about 20-30 minutes depending on the oven.
Crab and apple straw: Rinse the shrimp pad. Scale and dice the apple fine. Rinse and chop the chives and wash and lemon the lemon shale with half a lemon. Mix the prawns with apples, chives, lemon peel and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and matyoghurt. Season with salt and pepper.
Serve the pie with the prawn and apple tube.
Näringsvärde: Kcal: 603 Fett: 29 g Protein: 29 g Kolhydrater: 59 g
Andreas Engvall
1 Smör Normalsaltat 82% 500g Svenskt Smör från Arla
1 Svartpeppar Grovmalen 34g Santa Maria
1 Hushållssalt Med Jod 600g Falksalt
1 Mellanmjölk Lite Längre Hållbarhet 1.5% 1L Garant
1 Äpple Golden Delicious Klass1